What Is The Scientific Name For A Gorilla – Gorilla Scientific Name

Here we have discussed the scientific classification of Gorilla in detail which will help you in learning What Is The Scientific Name For A Gorilla. There are billions of different kinds of living things on earth. Scientists advised ways to naming them and classify them for study. Naming and classification is made on base of their similarities and differences. The system most used by scientist is taxons. In this system living things are put into seven groups called taxon, organized from most general to most specific. Therefore each species belong to a genus, each genus belongs to a family, each family belongs to order, etc. From large to simple, these groups are:

  • Kingdom
  • Phylum
  • Class
  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species

What Is The Scientific Name For a Gorilla 

  • The scientific name of gorilla is Gorilla Mate.scientific classification
  • All gorillas belong to genus Gorilla.
  • Within this genius there are two living species;
  • Western Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla) and
  • Eastern Gorilla (Gorilla Berengei)
  • Each species further divided into two subspecies each.
  • Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla)
  • Gorilla Gorilla Deihli (Cross river Gorilla)
  • Gorilla Beringei Graueri (Eastern Lowland Gorilla)
  • Gorilla Beringei Beringei (Mountain Gorilla)

Scientific Classification of Gorilla Explained

Kingdom (Animalia)

  • Kingdom is the largest group consisting of millions of living things.
  • There are five Kingdoms, containing Animals, Plants, Fungi, Prokaryotes, and Protists (single celled organism).
  • All animals including Gorillas include this group called Kingdom Animalia.

Phylum (Chordata)

  • There are different phyla in each kingdom.
  • Chordate is the most well-known phyla, as it includes all animals which have a backbone.
  • Animals usually fall into one of five different phyla which are Cnidaria (invertebrates), Chordata (vertebrates), Arthropods, Molluscs and Echinoderms.
  • Gorillas are vertebrates.

Class (Mammalian)

  • The phylum is further divided into even in smaller groups called Class.
  • The Chordata (vertebrates) phylum splits up into Mammalia (mammals), Actinopterygii (Bony Fish), Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fish), Aves (Birds), Amphibia (Amphibians) and Reptilia (Reptiles).
  • Gorillas have backbone and spinal cord.

Order (Primate)

  • Each class is divided into small groups again, known as Order.
  • The class mammalian (mammals) split into different groups including Carnivora, Primate, Artiodactyla and Rodentia.
  • Gorillas are one of the largest living primates on earth.

Family (Hominidae)

  • Orders are divided into families.
  • Family is, in turn, more specific.
  • Hominidae includes great ape. i.e. orangutans,  Gorillas, chimpanzees and bonbos.

Genus (Gorilla)

  • It lies between family and species.
  • It consists of structurally related species.
  • Or group of species closely related through common decent.
  • Gorillas are the largest primates whose lower jaws protrude out farther than their upper jaws.


  • A species consists of all the animals of same type, who are able to breed and produce young ones of the same kind.
  • There are two species of Gorillas
    • Western Gorilla
    • Eastern Gorilla
  • Species are categorized into subspecies.


  • Subspecies are physically separated from the rest of the species, and may have some specific physical differences from the rest of the species.
  • However, they are still able to interbreed with members of the parent population.
  • There are four subspecies of Gorillas.
    • Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla)
    • Gorilla Gorilla Diehli (Cross River Gorilla)
    • Gorilla Beringei Graueri (Eastern Lowland Gorilla)
    • Gorilla Beringei Beringei (Mountain gorilla)
What Is The Scientific Name For A Gorilla
Image source: http://www.conservenature.org/learn_about_wildlife/chimpanzees/chimp_taxonomy.htm

Western Gorilla Scientific Name

Western Lowland GorillaScientific Name: Gorilla Gorilla

Species: Western Gorilla

Genus: Gorilla

Class: Mammalia

Family: Hominidae

Kingdom: Animalia

Eastern Gorilla Scientific Name

Scientific Name: Gorilla Berengei

Eastern lowland gorilla
Eastern lowland gorilla

Species: Eastern Gorilla

Genius: Gorilla

Class: Mammalia

Family: Hominidae

Kingdom: Animalia

Western Lowland Gorilla Scientific Name

Scientific Name: Gorilla Gorilla GorillaWhy Are Western Lowland Gorillas Endangered

Subspecies: Western Lowland Gorilla

Species: Western Gorilla

Class: Mammalia

Family: Hominidae

Kingdom: Animalia

Cross River Gorilla Scientific Name

Scientific Name: Gorilla Gorilla Diehli

Cross River gorilla
Cross River gorilla

Subspecies: Gorilla Gorilla Deihli

Species: Western Gorilla

Genus: Gorilla

Class: Mammalia

Family: Hominidae

Kingdom: Animalia

Eastern Lowland Gorilla Scientific Name

Scientific Name: Gorilla Beringei Graueri

Eastern lowland gorilla
Eastern lowland gorilla

Subspecies: Eastern Lowland Gorilla

Species: Eastern Gorilla

Genus: Gorilla

Class: Mammalia

Family: Hominidae

Kingdom: Animalia

Mountain Gorilla Scientific Name

Scientific Name: Gorilla Beringei Beringei

Mountain gorilla
Mountain gorilla

Subspecies: Mountain Gorilla

Species: Eastern Gorilla

Genus: Gorilla

Class: Mammalia

Family: Hominidae

Kingdom: Animalia

Silverback Gorilla Scientific Name

  • Silverback gorilla is male gorilla, usually the leader of its family group.
  • It’s not species in itself so it doesn’t have scientific name.
  • So the scientific name depends on the species or subspecies under which it comes.

What Is The Scientific Name For A Gorilla Video


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